List Store Device

We will use the "List Tree View" on the DeviceSearch screen as a Multi Column List Box. Therefore we need a ProLinga List Store object that contains the data we select. Since the list will be populated at run-time, we only need to create an empty List Store with the columns we want to see. We will only display the Device Number and the Description fields.

Figure 105. List Store On Object Palette

Screenshot of the list store button on the object palette.

Open the List Store Editor and press the "New" button on the toolbar to create a new List Store. In the tab "General", set the number of columns to 2 and leave the setting "Maximum Number of Rows" default to 1. Click on the tab "Store". Enter "Device Number" in the field "Label", select "Type" "Number" and set sort direction to "Ascending". Press the "Apply" button. Enter "2" in the field "Column Id" and details of the second column can be entered. Set "Label" to "Description", "Type" to "Text" and sorting to "None". Press "Apply" again. You will see both column names now in the list. Since the data will be loaded at run-time, we do not have to enter any data at row level. Save the List store with the name "Device".

Figure 106. List Store Device

Screenshot of the list store "Device".

In the next chapter we will link this List Store into our DeviceSearch screen, so it did not change the run-time behaviour of your application.