Soap Client

Soap Client — Class used to send a request to and receive a response from a Web Service.


#include <prolinga/SoapClient.hpp>

class PlSoapClient
                xmlDocPtr       soapCall          (const xmlDocPtr docRequest, 
                                                   const char *serviceEndPoint);
typedef PlSoapClient *PlSoapClientPtr;



This class is used to be able to send/receive requests/responses to/from a Web Service.


PlSoapClient::soapCall ()

xmlDocPtr       PlSoapClient::soapCall           (const xmlDocPtr docRequest,
                                                  const char *serviceEndPoint);

This function sends off a request to the Web Service defined in the parameter serviceEndPoint. It returns a response.

docRequest :

the request as a libxml2 document.

serviceEndPoint :

the hostname or IP number and the TCP port number of the Web Service seperated by a colon(:). Example: localhost:8001

Returns :

the response as a libxml2 document.