Further development of ProLinga-Soap

All ProLinga Projects are under constant active development. This includes issues related to fixing bugs, increasing performance etc, as well as expanding the various projects with new features. This chapter provides information of all these types of tasks as well as details of how to join the development team.

To-do List

This section contains a list of work that needs to be done on the product. A more detailed and up to date list is available on the ProLinga Bugzilla Server.

  • Implement XML Schemas for validation. Libxml2 is finishing up XML schemas. If it is still too far away, start with DTD.

  • ProLinga-Soap is written in C++. Libxml2 however is C only. There is a C++ wrapper for this XML parser library. Details at http://libxmlplusplus.sourceforge.net/.

  • Some strings/paths are hardcoded in the product. This all should be reviewed and be removed or made all configurable using a config file.

  • Utilities.

  • Code review and cleanup.

  • Logging. A simple logging mechanism has been implemented. However, it appears that gSOAP has a logging system of its own. This should be investigated and implemented (if useful).

  • Self-tests need to be developed for quality control.

  • Porting to more platforms.