Logic: Home

Our Screen "Device" is now displaying in the frame called "frame_main". Once the user is finished with the data entry screen and wants to close it, this now means that we have to clear the frame "frame_main". We use the ProLinga command CLEAR for this. Write the logic "Home" as follows:

COMMENT --- Clear frame  ---

COMMENT --- Clear status line ---

The CLEAR command removes all child objects from the frame/container "frame_main". Further we see the logic command COMMENT. This command is just for documentation purposes. Everything behind that command will be ignored by the ProLinga run-time engine. You may leave out the comment statements if you wish.

The command MESSAGE prints text on the message/status line. Since we are giving it an empty string as argument, any messages on the message/status line will be deleted.

Save the logic and run your application now. Click on pulldown menu "Device" and then press either the button "Home" or "Cancel". Also the pulldown menu entry "Home" should be tested. You should see that the frame is emptied when logic "Home" is processed."