
prolingavald — Validate Web Service daemon



prolingavald --version


The prolingavald program can be called from the command line without any arguments. The program will then initialize and run as a daemon in memory waiting for Validate Command requests to arrive. Since the process is a fork, the prompt will return. Programs like prolingavalclient can now be used to send requests to this Web Service. prolingavald will get the information as hostname and TCP portnumber where the service needs to bind to from the configuration file etc/prolingavalcfg.xml.

An example automatic Validate startup script for Linux is available as file prolingavald.init. This file can be copied and renamed to /etc/rc.d/init.d/prolingavald and initialized using /sbin/chkconfig. Make sure all paths are correct in this file. The Web Service can then be started as /etc/rc.d/init.d/prolingavald start. To stop the argument stop can be used. You need to have root access for this. The binary rpm installation will perform all these steps automatically.
