Built-In Functions

From within logic, many special built-in functions (controls) can be called. The following are available:

APPN()Returns the name of the application.
APPNDEV()Returns the name of the application being developed.
ASCII(data_ref)Converts integer into corresponding ASCII character.
CLIP(data_ref)Clip leading and trailing blanks from data_ref.
COMPILEINFO()Returns information of how the binary is compiled by printing the linked in ProLinga Components.
CONFIGFILE()Returns the path and name of the default configuration file.
DATAMODELSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed DATAMODEL command. 0 means no error.
DATE()Returns the current date.
ERRORRETURN()Contains the use selection value of a QUESTION error. 0 = YES, 1 = NO.
EXPANDINSERT(record_name)Expands the values of a Record in a comma separated value list, so it can be used as a short cut for a sql insert operation.
EXPANDUPDATE(record_name)Expands the values of a Record in a comma separated name=value list. so it can be used as a short cut for a sql update operation.
FALSE()Returns value set as False value in the Administrator Application.
LENGTH(data_ref)Returns the length of data_ref.
LISTCOLCOUNT(data_ref)Returns the number of columns of in list store data_ref.
LISTROWCOUNT(data_ref)Returns the number of rows of in list store data_ref.
NEWLINE()Returns a newline (\n) character. Typically used in combination with the TEXT command.
QUITLASTSCREEN()If set to 0, the application exits after the last screen has been closed.
REPOSITORYINFO(data_ref)Returns repository system info. The following data_ref are available: ServiceId, ServerHost, ServerPort, SystemPath, NumberOfThreads, LogFile, LogLevel, ServerCompressionLevel, SystemHostName.
REPOSITORYSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed REPOSITORY command. 0 means no error.
SQLINFO()Contains (error) information generated by 3rd party data provider regarding last executed SQL command.
SQLRETURN()Contains the number of rows affected of the last ACTION SQL statement.
SQLSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed SQL or TRANSACTION command. 0 means no error.
TEXTSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed TEXT command. 0 means no error.
TIME()Returns the current time.
THREADEXIT()True/False switch if logic executed in a thread should continue or exit.
THREADSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed THREAD command. 0 means no error.
TOLOWER(data_ref)Changes characters to lowercase where possible.
TOUPPER(data_ref)Changes characters to uppercase where possible.
TRUE()Returns value set as True value in the Administrator Application.
USER()Returns the name of the user logged on to the environment.
VERSION()Returns the version number of the binary.
WEBPARAMETER(data_ref)Returns value from a web browser argument.
XMLSTATUS()Contains the error number of the last executed XML command. 0 means no error.