Table Object

Table — Collection of records and indices.


Holds a collection of records and indices describing the table layout.


Table 22. Table Object Properties

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
ExternalNameName of the table within the 3rd party data provider.*name
DataInterfaceTypeType of the data interface.GDA, RepositoryGDA
DataSourceNameName of the data source to use.*-
DescriptionDescription to be used in lists.*-
DetailDescriptionDetailed description.*-
ModifiedModification date-time stamp in ISO 8601 format.ccyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdate stamp

Table 23. Occurrences TableRecordEntry

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
RecordNameName of the Record.*-
ReiterateIf the record can iterate. (for repository access only)True, FalseFalse
DefaultIf this is the default record.True, FalseTrue (for first entry)


Table 24. Occurrences TableIndexEntry

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
IndexNameName of the index.*-
PrimaryIf the index is the primary.True, FalseTrue (for first entry)
UniqueIf the index is unique.True, FalseTrue
SortSorting of the index. (At retrieval time only)Ascending, DescendingAscending



<Object Application="MyOrder" Type="Table" Name="Country">
    <DetailDescription>Table of countries and codes</DetailDescription>