PickList Object

PickList — List of options.


The pick list can hold data which can be displayed in combo boxes. The user typically selects one of the values out of the list. The list can be populated at development time as well by using logic commands at runtime.


Table 17. PickList Object Properties

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
DescriptionDescription to be used in lists.*-
DetailDescriptionDetailed description.*-
ModifiedModification date-time stamp in ISO 8601 format.ccyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdate stamp

Table 18. Occurrences PickListEntry

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
ValueValue that can be selected by the user.*-



<Object Application="MyOrder" Type="PickList" name="Size">
    <DetailDescription>Available sizes</DetailedDescription>