DataSource Object

DataSource — Source of the user data.


Holds the information where the user data can be found.


Table 9. DataSource Object Properties

NameDetailsPossible ValuesDefault Value
ExternalNameName of the external data source.*-
UserNameUser name defined for the connection.*-
PasswordPassword for defined user.*-
ReadOnlyConnectionIs data read-only?True, FalseFalse
SqlIdentifiersCaseSensitiveLet SQL identifiers submitted as input keep their sensitivity?True, FalseFalse
ThreadSafeWill the connection be used by several threads at once?True, FalseTrue
DescriptionDescription to be used in lists.*-
DetailDescriptionDetailed description.*-
ModifiedModification date-time stamp in ISO 8601 format.ccyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssdate stamp


<Object Application="MyOrder" Type="DataSource" Name="Customer">
     <DetailDescription>Customer Table in PostgreSQL</DetailedDescription>