Configuration File

Configuration File — File containing settings for the Data environment


ProLinga-Data comes with a configuration file where various variable settings can be entered. Variables like the name of the host where the Data Web Service is running for instance. Default installation of ProLinga-Data will put the default configuration file prolingadatcfg.xml in the etc directory.

A default configuration file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- ProLinga Configuration File -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The ProLinga Team. -->
<!-- All Rights Reserved. -->
                <Service Name="Data">
                        <!-- Settings for prolingadatclient. -->
                        <!-- Settings for prolingadatd. -->

There is a main section for the client program and for the local/stand alone programs. The setup of this configuration file is such that it can be combined with configuration files from other ProLinga projects.

Client Options


The name or IP number of the host where to connect to, to present a Validation Command.


The TCP port of the host where to connect to, to present a Validation Command.


Level of compression to be used on the Data Command XML document before it is send off over the network to the Data Web Service. 0=No Compression, 9=Best Compression.

Server Options


The name or IP number of the host where to bind to when starting prolingavald as a Web Service.


The TCP port of the host where to bind to when starting prolingavald as a Web Service.


Number of threads when starting prolingadatd as a Web Service. This means that up to NumberOfThreads requests can be served simultanously, before they are queued.


Name of the file where logging and debug info will be written to.


The level of logging. 0=No Logging, 2= +Messages/Errors, 3= +Soap request/response info.


Level of compression to be used on the Data Command XML document before it is returned over the network to the Data caller/client. 0=No Compression, 9=Best Compression.